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About us

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Ignite change for the better

About our organization

Process Communication Netherlands is the exclusive distributor of PCM in the Netherlands, Flanders, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles. We certify trainers and coaches, and provide all the resources and knowledge they need to practice PCM to their fullest potential. In addition, we publish books and organize events to introduce PCM to as many people as possible.

Nice to meet you

Patricia Antersijn
Patricia Antersijn

Patricia is co-founder of Process Communication Netherlands and a PCM trainer and coach. With over 25 years of work experience in the aviation industry, she has trained and coached cockpit crew in communication, leadership, and stress management.

Edith Doosje
Edith Doosje

Edith is co-founder of Process Communication Netherlands and a PCM master trainer and coach specialized in business communication. After a career as a business executive, she made training and coaching her profession.

Noor Hagenbeek
Noor Hagenbeek

Support Queen :-)

Op de juiste manier omgaan met jouw behoeftes en ondertussen begrijpen waar de ander behoeften aan heeft, is lang niet zo makkelijk als soms wordt gedacht. Door middel van PCM ben ik beter gaan begrijpen wat mijn communicatiestijl inhoudt en hoe anderen mensen deze kunnen interpreteren. Er valt bij mij nog veel te behalen op het begrijpen van mijn psychologische behoeften en hoe ik mijn batterij oplaadt, daarom ben ik blij dat PCM op mijn pad is gekomen zodat ik hier verder in kan groeien. 

Local opportunities, global benefits


Our global network consists of over 4000 certified coaches and trainers in 54 countries. Join us and boost your professional and personal development. A few of the many benefits:

Course materials and products

Ontvang materialen voor training en coaching, inclusief het PCM-profiel, en krijg toegang tot productinnovaties.

Always a different setting 

Enjoy the flexibility: work with groups, work one-on-one and do in-company training or coaching.

Marketing support

Take advantage of our organization's marketing efforts.

The power of the network

Ask questions, share challenges with the group and meet at gatherings. Not only in the Netherlands and Belgium, but also worldwide. 

Participate in master classes and inspiration days and continue to develop as a PCM trainer or coach.

Meet our PCM professionals

The more people who practice PCM, the more we can all enjoy a world with fewer misunderstandings and more changes for the better. Interested in helping set positivity in motion?

Become a trainer or a coach

The more people who practice PCM, the more we can all enjoy a world with fewer misunderstandings and more changes for the better. Interested in helping set positivity in motion?

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